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Rewrite middleware allows to rewrite an URL path based on provided rules. It can be helpful for backward compatibility or just creating cleaner and more descriptive links.


"/old": "/new",
"/api/*": "/$1",
"/js/*": "/public/javascripts/$1",
"/users/*/orders/*": "/user/$1/order/$2",

The values captured in asterisk can be retrieved by index e.g. $1, $2 and so on. Each asterisk will be non-greedy (translated to a capture group (.*?)) and if using multiple asterisk a trailing * will match the "rest" of the path.


Rewrite middleware should be registered via Echo#Pre() to get triggered before the router.

Custom Configuration


e := echo.New()


// RewriteConfig defines the config for Rewrite middleware.
RewriteConfig struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper Skipper

// Rules defines the URL path rewrite rules. The values captured in asterisk can be
// retrieved by index e.g. $1, $2 and so on.
Rules map[string]string `yaml:"rules"`

// RegexRules defines the URL path rewrite rules using regexp.Rexexp with captures
// Every capture group in the values can be retrieved by index e.g. $1, $2 and so on.
RegexRules map[*regexp.Regexp]string

Default Configuration:


Regex-based Rules

For advanced rewriting of paths rules may also be defined using regular expression. Normal capture groups can be defined using () and referenced by index ($1, $2, ...) for the rewritten path.

RegexRules and normal Rules can be combined.

Rules: map[string]string{
"^/v1/*": "/v2/$1",
RegexRules: map[*regexp.Regexp]string{
regexp.MustCompile("^/foo/([0-9].*)"): "/num/$1",
regexp.MustCompile("^/bar/(.+?)/(.*)"): "/baz/$2/$1",